Location & Directions
How to get to Haus Enzian in Tux-Finkenberg
To make the journey to Haus Enzian as easy as possible, we have put together some information for you. But there is still one very important point regarding the winter: When there are wintry conditions on the roads, winter equipment, such as winter tyres and snow chains, is essential. Snow chains are often compulsory from Mayrhofen onwards (mountain road).
Arriving by car
Take the Inntal motorway (A 12 Autobahn) to the exit for 'Zillertal', then on to Mayrhofen (about 30 km), after this in the direction of 'Tuxertal' to Finkenberg - Dornau (about 3 km from Mayrhofen).
Arriving by train
Intercity train to Jenbach - from there with the historic Zillertal Railway, by diesel train or bus to Mayrhofen, from Mayrhofen to Finkenberg by local bus.
Arriving by air
Innsbruck, Salzburg or Munich Airport.
From there - onward journey by train or bus to Mayrhofen. Transfers from Innsbruck Airport direct to your holiday accommodation.
Appartements Enzian
Familie Eberl
Dornau 351
6292 Finkenberg im Zillertal, Austria
Tel. +43 650 380 59 13